Teable - A Super fast, Real-time, Professional, Developer friendly, No code database

Teable - A Super fast, Real-time, Professional, Developer friendly, No code database

Category: PG Tools, Internal Tools

Teable is a Super fast, Real-time, Professional, Developer friendly, No-code database built on Postgres. It uses a simple, spreadsheet-like interface to create complex enterprise-level database applications. Unlock efficient app development with no-code, free from the hurdles of data security and scalability.

They describe themselves as a fusion of Postgres with AirTable. That means you get everything you know and like about postgres with a simple and intuitive UI.

My Take on the product

  1. I haven't actually played with it. When needed I simply use AirTable.

  2. I do see the Postgres database as a big advantage when building tools with the product. While AirTable has API, using SQL is much simpler (I think).

  3. AirTable is a hugh company, valuated $11B. Recently they shifted to big companies (according to this article in Forbes), so there is a room for other players. They are not the only open source AirTable alternative (probably NocoDB is the main one) so they will have to clarify what makes them unique and how using PG changes everything.